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apsillers's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
117 votes

If someone else uploads my GPL'd code to Github without my permission, do they not put it at risk of being stolen by Microsoft?

76 votes

How does GitHub's "forking right" cope with an "All rights reserved" project?

71 votes

Is Microsoft VS Code really open source?

56 votes

Am I legally required to provide a (GPL licensed) source code even after a project is abandoned?

49 votes

Does open source qualify as being part of the public domain?

48 votes

How does a programmer ever produce original code if anything they produce is considered derivative because they viewed similar source code?

47 votes

Can an NDA block GPL freedom number 4?

45 votes

So the GPL doesn't restrict the creator of the software in any way?

43 votes

Minified GPL code inside Javascript webapp

42 votes

Is it socially acceptable to star your own repositories on GitHub?

42 votes

Is it legal to have the "// (c) 2019 John Smith" header in all files when there are hundreds of contributors?

41 votes

Is my software still "free" if I charge for its commercial use and not for non-commercial use?

39 votes

Is keeping the forking link on a true fork necessary? (Github/GPL)

39 votes

Is Fairphone violating the GPL with its newest Fairphone 3?

37 votes

Is there a generally accepted "anti-copyleft" clause or license?

36 votes

How do I go about rebranding a fully deleted project that used to have a GNU General Public License v3.0 but is now fully inaccessible

34 votes

What can/should I do when I see a violation to GPL restrictions?

33 votes

What's to prevent a user from reverse engineering a GPL program?

31 votes

Does license prohibition of illicit / malicious use or modification clash with GPL's freedom to modify?

30 votes

Is it possible to change the current GPLv3 license to something else?

29 votes

Is the term 'open source' a trademark?

29 votes

Can I change the caps to lowercase in licenses?

29 votes

Is re-encoding an audio or video file permitted under CC-BY-ND?

29 votes

Does private GPL open source exist? if so, how does it work if mixed with public GPL?

28 votes

Who owns code in a GitHub organization?

25 votes

How do I license, "Use my code as per the GNU GPL, but don't put it on GitHub"

24 votes

Can I use a Apache v2 licensed driver for a commercial project without revealing sources of the project?

24 votes

Does this constitute a breach in GPL license? Article with GPL licensed software and Journal reviewer guidelines

23 votes

Why it is not possible to create a proprietary fork of GPL?-or-later software?

23 votes

Do the CC licenses prevent insults?

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