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How to Comply With MIT Licensed SVG In Print

I have found an MIT licensed SVG that I wish to use in print, for instance a business card. The relevant part of the MIT license: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ...
Beefy_Swain's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use a header (include) file licensed as GPLv2 only in GPLv3 project?

To be brief, I am working on a big C project, which I want to license under GPLv3. I need some compiler-specific attribute macros, and I found include/linux/compiler_attributes.h from Linux kernel ...
NotYourFox's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is the byline part of the license?

I was recently attempting to contribute to a GPLv2+ project, where I created a new file. I set the copyright date to this year, and tried several options for the name, from my name, to "$PROJECT ...
byteit101's user avatar
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7 votes
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How technically and legally sell FOSS software with commercial license?

I found this question here: Can I sell personal/commercial licenses for an Open Source product? With answer about QT library that sell commercial license to companies. I want to do the same, I want to ...
jcubic's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Sharing own software with a restricted group of persons

I am coding a new application. I would like to temporarily share it with a restricted group of persons to only have a feedback about some implemented features. My application links against some qt (...
JtTest's user avatar
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-2 votes
0 answers

Why is LIbreOffice preferred over OnlyOffice? [closed]

ONLYOFFICE is a mature open source office suite released under the AGPL license, with modern interface and compatibility with MS Office. Yet, all Linux distributions I know of ships with LibreOffice ...
robertspierre's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Licence that allows charging for distribution

I want to ask if a. a licence with the following requirements exists and b. if such a licence would be open source (OSI and/or SFS): The licence should allow the user a similar level of freedom as a ...
0968FC1F126E85E51FBF0B43D0B02D's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to attribute which parts of the code are authored by someone else?

I have borrowed some lines of code (suppose just 20 lines of a function) from a GitHub repository that is licensed under the MIT License. I plan to use these lines in my personal project. Is it ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

MPL for core C++ and MIT for python interface and others: is this sound?

I'm developing a high-performance algorithm library for robotics applications. The implementation consists of C++ core algorithms with Python bindings and YAML configuration support. My objective is ...
orematasaburo's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does ambigous license without a version refer to most recent? Is 'AGPL' currently equivalent to 'AGPL-3.0-only'?

What are good ways to handle software that has an ambiguous license version like 'AGPL'? License Naming Background FSF is considered the steward of AGPL version 3.0 ( ...
Joe Murray's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

BSD Licensed code used as a part of a research project

I'm currently learning a bit more about software licenses and have realized how permissive the 3-clause BSD license is. I have a small question. If I use BSD licensed code for a computation in a ...
Jean-Fr's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there an open-source license between MPL, LGPL and AGPL that meets these criteria?

I am looking for an open-source license that satisfies the following five conditions: Copyleft: The license requires that derivative works must also be distributed under the same license (similar to ...
AvidCoder's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

How do I go about rebranding a fully deleted project that used to have a GNU General Public License v3.0 but is now fully inaccessible

The title is pretty much it. There is a fork of this project that I had started making before they wiped all traces of the application. Now I'm stuck with a fully rebranded application that I want to ...
FerretPaws's user avatar
4 votes
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What does a CC BY-NC-SA license imply for neural network weights?

What uses does the CC BY-NC-SA license prohibit in the case of neural network weights? The license was not written with neural networks in mind, and the non-commercial use is defined with respect to ...
allo's user avatar
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1 vote
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Compliance with Open-Source Licenses in Proprietary Software Using Hibernate 5.6.15 licensed under LGPL v2.1

I want to distributing proprietary software under a strict End User License Agreement (EULA) that: Prohibits derivative works Distributes the software and libraries in object code form only My ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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3 votes
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LGPL license clarification

I would like to request some clarifications about the LGPL license. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how it works in the context of selling (for a fee) software that must comply with the ...
Federico Massimi's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is it allowed to use web APIs exposed in open-source code?

I often find web projects on GitHub where the author has included their private web API in the code. Is it reasonable to use the author's publicly available web API from the perspective of community ...
Miller's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can I use an Artistic License 2.0 library in a MIT License library

I have a library licensed under the MIT License. Recently, one of the dependencies of my library, that I use unchanged, switched from the MIT License to The Artistic License 2.0. Am I still able to ...
Richie Bendall's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I modify Apache 2.0 project and license the modifications under AGPLv3?

I have forked a Apache 2.0 repository on github that has not been active for years. I have made modifications to the files. I want to release the modifications under a different license (Apache ...
Zurf's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is it legal to send a modified version of a GPL 3.0 Licensed Software to only one person?

I want to modify something licensed under the GPL 3.0 License and send it to only one person. This person does not distribute the modified version any further. The source code of the modified version ...
DrParanoya's user avatar
7 votes
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Can I license artwork that has a mixture of CC BY-SA, public domain, CC0, Pexels licensed images under CC BY-SA?

I have created some artwork that uses images mostly licensed under variations of CC BY-SA. There are also some public domain, CC0, and rarely images from Pexels/similar "free to use" sites. ...
ReedThomasArt's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is Vosk for iOS available only via request and exclusively for enterprises?

Facts: Vosk iOS libraries are available via request. Your request will be rejected for non-commercial projects: source 1 and source 2 + my communication experience with Vosk creator. I offered Vosk ...
Aliaksei Kartashou's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

"Source" file and share alike license [duplicate]

There is a book in pdf that was created from an odt file. The book is licensed under the creative commons share alike license and I would like to modify it. Should the author provide me with the "...
llantones's user avatar
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Is it legal and ethical to copy someone else's GitHub Gist into my own repository? [duplicate]

I'm writing a Markdown file for personal documentation and learning purposes. I found a useful piece of code in a public GitHub Gist, but also I changed it a bit to fit my needs. I'd like to include ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to comply with Apache 2.0 license?

I am working on a software product that uses a third party component "log4net" for logging. Log4net is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 I ...
Joe F's user avatar
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5 votes
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Need Help Regarding Licensing for Samsung Kernel Sources

I'm planning to push Samsung Kernel Source to GitHub and need some guidance on the appropriate licensing. Specifically, I'm wondering: What license should I use for the Samsung Kernel Source? Can I ...
poqdavid's user avatar
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3 votes
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Does this project disallow commercial use while available with dual licensing under GPL3 which allows it?

Javascript plugin Is dual licensed under GPL3. If I choose to pick the GPL3 license that is ...
nikos's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Does AGPL-3.0 require open-sourcing the derivatives if the original work is open-source?

The website of a library licensed under AGPL-3.0 states the following (emphasis mine): AGPL-3.0 License This OSI-approved license is designed with students and enthusiasts in mind, championing open ...
Crimson's user avatar
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3 votes
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Error in the text of the LGPL 3.0 linking exception

I have found an error in the text of the LGPL 3.0 linking exception, as follows: As a special exception ...providing any... Minimal Application Code... There is no “Minimal Application Code” in LGPL ...
Frankus's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to properly ask contributors to waive their copyright interests to dedicate them to Public domain?

Right now I'm setting up a project, a game engine, and decided that it is the project's best interest to be dedicated to the public domain instead of being GPLv3+; thus I'm using the UNLICENSE license ...
shackra's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

If I rewrite someone's Scratch game in Python, am I required to disclose the source code? Can I sell it?

The license for all projects shared at the Scratch Website is the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 2.0. I would have to credit the author and share under the same license, but it is ...
Felix An's user avatar
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31 votes
11 answers

How does a programmer ever produce original code if anything they produce is considered derivative because they viewed similar source code?

I'm very confused by what I'm finding on this site. On one hand, it appears as if no programmer is even capable of producing original code if they have ever viewed a source code for a program which ...
simspawn's user avatar
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2 votes
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How does the 3-clause BSD license apply to LaTeX and PDF's?

I've found a nice resume template written in LaTeX, and it has the BSD 3-clause license. In my thinking, BSD makes perfect sense for executable code, but we are talking about a document here, and I ...
Ogre's user avatar
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0 votes
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Using an oss as a guidebook without license infringement

I know of an open source software (a game engine, server/client/website+database) that does many of the things I need my software to do. I will have to gut and replace certain portions entirely (the ...
simspawn's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Linux and sanctions

Recently, all entries with Russian email addresses were removed from the Linux MAINTAINERS file which lists people "maintaining" parts of the kernel. "Maintaining" here means, if I ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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Startup based on my own side project open-sourced through my employer

I work at a FAANG-size company (moonlighting friendly in theory) and have a side project that I've built mostly in my free time, a bit during work hours, and had it recently approved by the legal ...
Fabio's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Open source license more viral than GPL/AGPL

I am looking for an open-source license with an enlarged scope of when something is considered a derived work, compared to AGPL. Ideally it should be OSI approved, but following OSI requirements for a ...
František Hartman's user avatar
3 votes
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AGPL 3.0 library used as a back-end service

I have read that an AGPL database is safe to use without sharing the code because it is running as some kind of support for the application that you are serving to the customer. But what if it is not ...
eSPiYa's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is a CC licence an appropriate licence for a programming language description?

I am a bit unsure but would expect, that in my case a CC BY-NC would be the thing I want. What I am creating is an educative programming language for "offline" use, a learning game without a ...
Demihm Seinname's user avatar
7 votes
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Using MIT Python PyPI package with GPLv2-or-later Python package dependency in non-GPLv2-or-later-compliant project

I have a very specific question in this seemingly gray area. There is a very popular MIT-licensed PyPI academic Python package calfem-python. There is another very very popular GPLv2-or-later-licensed ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to distribute LGPL2.1 dependency shared lib with a python package?

I am working on python bindings for a C library, which uses LGPL2.1. My Python bindings for the library link dynamically against it. For the python bindings to work when installed I need to ship them ...
Slav's user avatar
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7 votes
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Unclear condition of the GPLv3 Interface Exception

I looked more closely at this FAQ entry on GPL 3.0 Interface Exception and I am a bit confused with the bolded text. The goal of this exception is to be able to link independent modules, licensed ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it legal to rename/fork an existing Linux distro for commercial use?

Suppose I take a parent distribution (slackware for example), take its packages and package management scripts, rename the scripts and the packages in a minor way (without changing the verbatim ...
A.Dhond's user avatar
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What was Winning Strategies, Inc.?

Core libraries on many Linux and BSD based systems include copyright notices similar to this: Copyright (c) 1993 Winning Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and ...
jpa's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How do I provide exceptions for a GPL3+ game engine?

I'm planning on a game engine project, and I'm looking to use the GPLv3+ to protect the project. The engine will have a scripting language integrated and an editor, so people can make their games and ...
shackra's user avatar
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4 votes
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Copy-pasting a part of LGPL-licensed file into Python library

I want to copy a part of LGPLv3-licensed file into a Python library. Said file: I want to copy SMARTS patterns (chemical ...
qalis's user avatar
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7 votes
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Reimplementation of UI/UX ideas of commercial software in open source (MIT)

What are the legal implications of making an open source implementation (under MIT license) of commercial (closed source) software ideas in terms of UI/UX, logic of interface and general workflow, and ...
georgtree's user avatar
5 votes
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Validity of exceptions in GPLv2 software combinations

Let's say library P is licensed under GPLv2 with the GCC Runtime Library Exception 2.0 or another similar exception like the Classpath Exception. Proprietary software K uses library P. This is allowed ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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2 votes
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If LGPL 2.1 source code is in my project. Does the whole project need to be LGPL? Or just the class that call it?

I'm relatively new to library licenses and come from a game development background. I'm developing an open-source game development tool that directly includes the source code of an LGPL 2.1 library. ...
Phun Peeticharoenthum's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What parts of code are protected by copyright?

Open Source licenses are all underpinned by copyright law. Without copyright law, Open Source would fall apart. Copyright was originally written for creative works, and does not protect facts, ideas, ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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