I have been wandering in the issues of a particular open-source project hosted on Github for a few months, as well as related projects.
I'm not a contributor myself (except for some typos in the docs), but I now know that a handful of old issues have been addressed and can be closed. A typical example is feature requests being answered "Good idea, but we don't have time for that now" and implemented a few years later.
Is it polite/useful/good practice to add a comment in the GH issue stating that it can probably be closed?
On the one hand, it will help with triage, on the other hand, I don't want to add noise for the core devs.
Context: The project is split into a lot of repos (~15), is complex, traces back to 2014, and the main repo alone has 800 open issues, half of them being older than 2017. The project is very active, with a growing community of users and devs using it.