I've submitted a patch to an open source library that was ignored by the maintainers. Some time after the submittal one of the maintainers implemented a different patch for the same problem.
The implementation has been present for a few versions, but hardly anyone uses it, even the examples in the library still resort to alternate approaches that may be perceived as hacks.
It turns out that my proposal wasn't the only one, in the past others have tried to solve the same problem, and submitted more or less the same solution. However, I'm the only one still going at it.
This manifests itself as linking my proposal to various issues that i believe would be easy to solve with the API. I collect examples of improper use of the existing API (which i believe to be flawed) and demonstrated that it is not seeing adoption because users still resort to the "old ways".
I went further and filed a couple of bugs, but they were deemed as features.
In this process it feels like i have alienated myself from the community and that other devs simply ignore my comments.
I want to know what to do in this situation. What is considered good etiquette, what should be the drive behind making an aggressive or less aggressive push of a feature/patch? Is there some magic number of "well i've tried" before one should give up. Should one be concerned how one is perceived when doing this kind of a push, or should it not even be a factor in the matter? I see the value of any opinion being expressed for anyone who potentially might be interested in the matter.
In my last attempt I refactored some of the code and halved the number of lines in some files. I can see this swing many ways, good and bad. "Here it works"/"Here you've no idea what you're doing". On the dev front, maybe i didn't want to do the refactor, I just wanted to do the feature, is there a trade off here between "trust me" and putting your code to the test?
Are there ways to go through this process more efficiently? I tend to write lengthy posts with a lot of (pseudo)code, i've seen people write much conciser posts etc.