I have contributed heavily to a open-source github repository and they are licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license (Which isn't really an open-source license). Each of my contributions was merged via PR and each of those PR's had a piece of writing at the end of the PR template:
By making this pull request, I represent that I have the right to waive copyright and related rights to my contribution, and agree that all copyright and related rights in my contributions are waived, and I acknowledge that the [ORG] organization has the copyright to use and modify my contribution under the [REPO] License for perpetuity.
This is simply appended to the end of the PR template, and it's placed there automatically without any contributor interaction. In addition, I was never asked for a signature to sign a CLA or give the owner any form of documentation giving rights to them.
Is the act of the text simply being in the PR template mean that I automatically give up my rights to my contribution when it's merged? What rights do I have to my contributions in this case?