I want to create a project in Angular licensed as MIT or Apache 2.0 and i need to include projects with different licences (MIT, ISC, Apache-2.0 and perhaps BSD-3).
The project includes an area for credits with details (project, license, description):
- angular/angular MIT
- tws/bootstrap MIT
- ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap MIT
- MrRio/jsPDF MIT
- mozilla/pdf.js Apache 2.0
- jakearchibald/idb ISC
- electron/electron MIT
- brix/crypto-js MIT
mozilla/pdf.js is forked and modified, also it is included a link to this fork.
- Can i use all this licenses in a project?
- Which is the best license for the project? MIT, Apache-2.0, ...?
- Are all licenses compatibles?
- Is BSD-3 compatible with MIT, ISC, Apache-2.0?
- Should I have other considerations?