Under the GNU General Public License (GPL), you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, as long as you make the source code available to your users under the terms of the GPL. This means that if you use a GPL component in your website, you will generally be required to make the source code of your entire website available to your users unless you fall under one of the exceptions to this requirement.
Here are a few situations in which you may be able to use a GPL component in your website without having to GPL or disclose the source code of your entire site:
If the component is a JavaScript library that goes into one page, and you are not distributing the component to your users, you may not be required to make the source code of your entire site available. This is because the GPL only requires you to make the source code available if you distribute the software. If you are only using the component on your own site and not distributing it to others, you may not be required to make the source code available.
If the component is an executable program called by the backend via something like System.run("component.exe"), and you are not distributing the component to your users, you may not be required to make the source code of your entire site available. As with the JavaScript library, the GPL only requires you to make the source code available if you distribute the software, so if you are only using the component on your own site and not distributing it to others, you may not be required to make the source code available.
If the component is a dynamic link library invoked at runtime by the backend, and you are not distributing the component to your users, you may not be required to make the source code of your entire site available. As with the other examples, the GPL only requires you to make the source code available if you distribute the software, so if you are only using the component on your own site and not distributing it to others, you may not be required to make the source code available.
If the component is a static library linked at build time with the backend, and you are not distributing the component to your users, you may not be required to make the source code of your entire site available. As with the other examples, the GPL only requires you to make the source code available if you distribute the software, so if you are only using the component on your own site and not distributing it to others, you may not be required to make the source code available.
I hope this helps!