I'm writing a program using the STmicroelectronics STM32_USB_Device_Library. I'd like to make this program open source, preferably under a GPL license, though I might consider MIT or BSD. This program is written by me on my lonesome, so there's no restrictions regarding my employer or other parties.
However, the STM32_USB_Device_Library is covered by the SLA0044 license. This license has a very specific clause against subjecting this software to any "Open Source Terms":
- No use, reproduction or redistribution of this software partially or totally may be done in any manner that would subject this software to any Open Source Terms. “Open Source Terms” shall mean any open source license which requires as part of distribution of software that the source code of such software is distributed therewith or otherwise made available, or open source license that substantially complies with the Open Source definition specified at www.opensource.org and any other comparable open source license such as for example GNU General Public License (GPL), Eclipse Public License (EPL), Apache Software License, BSD license or MIT license.
I fear that this clause might at least be (L)GPL-incompatible, as those licenses enforce some "open source terms" upon the final binary (that being the requirement to release the source code), but I'm not sure if that's what this clause means. There's also the following clause, which specifically denies the GPL's freedom 0, that might cause similar compatibility issues:
- This software or any part thereof, including modifications and/or derivative works of this software, must be used and execute solely and exclusively on or in combination with a microcontroller or microprocessor device manufactured by or for STMicroelectronics.
In practice, assuming I'm fine with applying clause 4 to the resulting binary, what does this mean? Can I release my (L)GPL-licensed project (or program using (L)GPL libraries) using this library? Is there any difference between GPL and LGPL in this scenario? What about if I were to license my code to MIT or any other more permissive license? Can I ship this library's source with the program sources?