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3 votes
1 answer

When Bootstrap relicensed from Apache 2.0 to MIT back in 2014, could they have chosen MPL-2.0 to solve the issue they ran into?

It seems like the issue they ran into that triggered this is that Apache 2.0 was considered incompatible with GPLv2 which was hindering adoption, based on this github issue:
Miles Georgi's user avatar
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What happens if I allow "any later version" of a license but later versions violate the spirit of the original license? [duplicate]

Some software are released under the GPLv3 "or (at your option) any later version". Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0) allows recipients of the software to use MPL-2.0 or any later version:...
Flux's user avatar
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1 answer

Move away from MPL 2.0 to something like CPAL

I'm the author of Fulguris which is in conflict with Styx. Both projects are MPL 2.0. Fulguris is a fork of the decade old Lightning and Styx is just a rebrand of Fulguris. See also that other open ...
Slion's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can I redistribute to public domain a contribution I made to an MPL 2.0 licensed project?

I made a contribution to an MPL 2.0-licensed project a while ago. I am not the maintainer of this project, I don't own it and I'm not affiliated to it in any way (apart from this specific benevolent ...
user8808265's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

MPL 1.1: Re-distribute under MPL 2.0 without modification

I look at a project under MPL 1.1. Can I take the source and re-distribute it under MPL 2.0 without any modification or contribution? That is, I am not a contributor (not the initial, not in the past, ...
mrcalvin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Dual license or relicense when the new license is more permissive?

An organization is considering changing the license of an OSS repo on GitHub. For the purposes of this question, assume that organization has the legal rights to change the license. It is currently ...
kdopen's user avatar
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