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3 answers

Using Tailwind CSS in website

let's say I am using Tailwind CSS (licensed under MIT) in my website by using the npm package "tailwindcss" which on build creates a css file. According to MIT - "The above copyright ...
hdtk's user avatar
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Using heroicons in a website

I want to use heroicons which is licensed under MIT in a website. The license states - "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial ...
hdtk's user avatar
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LICENSE text in build folder

When I build my site using create-react-app build, it creates a main.779c7054.js.LICENSE.txt which contains the license texts of the dependencies. In this case I am using Next.js and lets say I am ...
hdtk's user avatar
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Several beginner questions about using MIT-licensed code

I recently made this website, hosted on Github. (Repo)** The website uses multiple MIT-licensed (or similar licenses) 'code': Several SVG icons from Wikimedia commons (Icon 1, Icon 2, Icon 3). Code I ...
Ari Friedman's user avatar
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GPL-3.0 library in MIT project

I'm working on a project comprised of a small HTML page and a JavaScript script. From the HTML page I include a library which is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, and from my script ...
Fabio Iotti's user avatar
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LICENSE file required?

When creating a new Gatsby site with gatsby new gatsby-site, there exists the file LICENSE. LICENSE The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 gatsbyjs Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, ...
mqpgvleuc's user avatar
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Can one resell any Bootstrap template because of the MIT licence?

The MIT licence contains Permission is hereby granted,[..] to sell copies of the Software The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to show MIT License on Icons

I want to use some icons on some links in the footer of my website, such as these. They are under the MIT license. These icons are files by themselves, so I cannot just add the MIT license at the top ...
jeremysprofile's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why it is sufficient to include only copyright without permission notice when using React library in your project?

As far as I understand if you want to use React.js library you should comply with MIT license by adding its copyright and permission notice before the library is included to the source code (to the ...
Aleksey Moysenovich's user avatar
9 votes
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Where to show the MIT license for a webpage theme?

I have found 1-2 interesting Jekyll webpage themes that have the MIT license (on I want to use an adjusted version of these themes for my webpage and I understand that I ...
Jean De's user avatar
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How to legally use Jekyll themes by others?

I realize this may be an extremely basic question, but I'm confused about the legal issues that come with starting a blog and using a theme. I want to use the Clean Blog theme (by BlackrockDigital). ...
shanshine's user avatar