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Questions tagged [version-control-systems]

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2 votes
1 answer

Open code, closed repo?

Has anyone tried to separately license their repository (e.g. Git) from the code that it holds? How did it go? (Sorry about the open-ended nature of the question.) Corollary to this question: what is ...
Kaz's user avatar
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4 votes
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Do old versions of code get relicensed when newer versions of the code are relicensed under a more permissive license?

An open source software is developed in a publicly-accessible source code repository. Starting from the first commit, the source code is licensed under the GPLv3. There is only one copyright holder. ...
Flux's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do active open-source projects manage removing inactive developers?

For long running projects, having many developers added over the years, it may be necessary to remove inactive developers for security reasons. * Do active & long-running open-source projects have ...
ideasman42's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Accidently commited plagiarism, what now?

I maintain an open-source project. Somebody made a pull-request two days ago, and I accepted it. Now I realized, that a large portion of the pull-request is just a copy-pasted from another project (...
Jakube's user avatar
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80 votes
3 answers

If I change the license of my project, can someone use the old license by navigating through Git history?

I am creating an open-source library in JavaScript and using Git to control versions and history. I have several commits in which the LICENSE file is X (for example, MIT), but I would like to change ...
Pedro A's user avatar
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Can a gap in a license coverage on a VCS be exploited?

Consider this: I have a repository on, for example, GitHub, and add a file I wrote. I forget to mention the file in the license, and publish the updated version to the repository, realizing the ...
Markus Appel's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the term for a user who can merge pull requests?

In an open source project, such as one typically found on GitHub, there are users who can submit pull requests and users who can merge them. It is my understanding that "contributor" is the term for ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Can I add a git submodule with an All Rights Reserved license?

I have a project with GPL v3 license. And it has git submodules with the MIT, Apache v2 and All Rights Reserved due Berne Convention. Am I violating copyright having public git submodules with All ...
user's user avatar
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Best practices for versioning an XCode project for open source? [closed]

I'm preparing to open source an XCode project I've been working on privately, on Github. I am planning on using Github's release feature and and tag the initial release as 0.1.0. This much I know. ...
Vlad's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Do unlicensed commits to a project acquire an open source license?

I have recently created a small project and pushed it to GitHub. I now plan on applying an open-source license. Once I choose a license and commit it to the project, are the older versions subjected ...
Caleb Reister's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating first add-on to Open Source project with Bitbucket

I wish to install my first add-on to my newly acquired Bitbucket open source project. Should it be setup and developed on its on branch and then imported in when approved and working OR Edit the ...
flint781's user avatar
3 votes
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Transitioning to Version Control [closed]

Until now, we have not had an application version strategy or version-ed our application. We are considering doing so with our next release. What are the minimum tasks necessary to transition to a ...
Drano's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to store our own fork of a project to ensure pulling fixes and contributing back is as easy as possible

I work at a small company in a small IT department. We use Visual Studio Online (the Team Foundation Server flavor of VSO) to store our source code. We're interested in deploying an open source (GPL ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

The download for source is a newer version than the version shipped

I have built a program using several open source libraries. Most of them fall under MIT, BSD, Appache and LGPL license. To my understanding some of them require the source code to be shared. I was ...
Arthur Putnam's user avatar
5 votes
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Dealing with different development environments

In corporate software development, all developers are, typically, using the same IDE running on the same version of the same operating system. In OSS, the team is distributed and providing their own ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
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How to keep open source projects up to date

I am working on an open source collaborative project with numerous other people. Often many people are working on it at once. This creates problems with multiple versions of the same file. Is there ...
Trevor Clarke's user avatar