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Questions tagged [source-code]

Source Code is a human-readable collection of instructions in a programming language used to produce a computer program.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Distributing source code with different licenses in a single page

I'm writing a web application (hobby project) that aggregates documentations and source code of arbitrary artifacts (from Maven Central) and (possibly) present them to the user in a single web page, ...
Haemin Yoo's user avatar
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Correct way to license third party software for Android apps

I am an Android developer. In my project (app) I use third party software (ex: Glide image loader library) to save some time and improve my app performance. Now I read this and I was able to ...
Hasan Bou Taam's user avatar
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Built-in mechanisms to fetch the corresponding source code for AGPLv3-licensed projects

In the AGPLv3 text -after the END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS line- there is this recommendation on How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs which rather terse and states that there are many ways to ...
Philippe Ombredanne's user avatar
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Can I distribute a LGPLv2.1 derivative work whose source code doesn't compile?

Section 4 of the LGPLv2.1 gives me permission to distribute a "work based on the Library" in object code form, provided that I also distribute "complete corresponding machine-readable ...
Criticizing Israel not allowed's user avatar
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Why don't people want to pay/donate for my software?

Apologies if this is no the correct forum for my question - it looked like good fit though! I have some software ( ) that I used to sell - thus it was commercial. This was OK for a few ...
Richard's user avatar
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