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Questions tagged [source-code]

Source Code is a human-readable collection of instructions in a programming language used to produce a computer program.

7 questions from the last 365 days
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10 votes
3 answers

Is it allowed to use web APIs exposed in open-source code?

I often find web projects on GitHub where the author has included their private web API in the code. Is it reasonable to use the author's publicly available web API from the perspective of community ...
Miller's user avatar
  • 103
4 votes
1 answer

NuGet and LGPL libraries

We're creating software written on the .NET platform. As such, we're obviously heavily reliant on the NuGet package manager. Some of these packages are LGPL (2.1, 3) licensed. As this other question ...
Martin Ba's user avatar
  • 571
3 votes
1 answer

Is it legal to reverse engineer source from an Apache-2.0 licensed binary, and redistribute that source?

I've recently discovered a tool that is distributed binary-only under the Apache-2.0 license. The authors are clear and explicit that the tool is not "open source" (there is no source code ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 175
2 votes
0 answers

How to open-source code for an ebook-style iOS Qt app but retain control of the content? [duplicate]

Years ago (whenever Qt 5.7 was current), as a contractor I developed a closed source tablet app for a company with (at the time) a commercial license for Qt (they assigned me a license seat). The app ...
timday's user avatar
  • 121
13 votes
1 answer

Hypothetical: FOSS License for Compiler with Ken Thompson's "Trusting Trust" backdoor

About a year ago, I made a modified copy of the Tiny C Compiler, which is licensed under LGPL-2.1. Using the techniques described in Ken Thompson's talk and paper titled "Reflections on Trusting ...
Eli Minkoff's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using a FOSS license for binaries created in a hex editor

For about a year and a half, I have been working on a creating series of minimal ELF executables that print terminal control escape sequences to clear the screen. My workflow is a bit backwards - ...
Eli Minkoff's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why don't people want to pay/donate for my software?

Apologies if this is no the correct forum for my question - it looked like good fit though! I have some software ( ) that I used to sell - thus it was commercial. This was OK for a few ...
Richard's user avatar
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