Questions tagged [security]

For questions about security practices as applied to open source software.

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4 votes
1 answer

Open Source projects with encryption keys

I currently have a project which I'm planning in the not too distant future to open source on GitHub. The question I have is regarding how open source projects are released if they have encryption ...
Boardy's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

How to give evidence that an open-source project is reputable?

Other than having someone manually reading all of the code, how can you demonstrate an open-source project's reputability? i.e. it is not a virus/malware/whatever. I'm not concerned with the ...
ABvsPred's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Assessing potential security flaws in open source software

Are there established guidelines or best practices for checking open source software for security flaws prior to using it in a business environment? Is this down to the individual business to decide ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is open source software less or more secure than proprietary software? [closed]

Free software evangelists often advertise free and open source software to be more secure than proprietary alternatives. Is this true, and why? Are there security reasons not to use free and open ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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