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Questions tagged [osi]

For questions about the Open Source Initiative and its relationship to free and open projects.

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Licence that allows charging for distribution

I want to ask if a. a licence with the following requirements exists and b. if such a licence would be open source (OSI and/or SFS): The licence should allow the user a similar level of freedom as a ...
0968FC1F126E85E51FBF0B43D0B02D's user avatar
4 votes
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What public domain declarations with fall back permissive licenses are approved by both the FSF and OSI?

I was looking into public domain declarations with fall back permissive licenses (for brevity, I am going to call this concept a "public domain license") recently. For those unaware, it is ...
Captain Man's user avatar
5 votes
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What does the non-reusable category on OSI mean? can list their licenses by category. There is one category: NON-REUSABLE that, to me, sounds a bit off for OSI licenses. What does this category categorize for the OSI ...
Martin Ba's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Has the FSF ever commented on the SSPL?

When MongoDB submitted the Server Side Public License to the OSI for approval, the OSI has publicly announced that they do not consider it an open-source license. Has the FSF (or, if relevant, a ...
Invizio's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Does a software under one of the OSI-approved licenses allow anybody to use/run it for any purpose?

OSI (Open Source Initiative) says that: Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the ...
arastirma hesap's user avatar
4 votes
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What is coherent open source?

What is "coherent" open source? How is it different from other forms of open source?
chicks's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to license scientific software to be open while protecting against misuse?

Note: This question is a revision of an earlier question, which MadHatter suggested should be revised into a new more specific question. Note that there is a lot of similarity between the questions; ...
nben's user avatar
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What if my license is not approved by OSI or FSF?

For some reasons I will be using CC BY NC SA license thorough out my project/program, and I know that this license is not approved by OSI or FSF because it have NC ( i.e. non-commercial) clause in it. ...
Zeeshan Shaikh's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Understanding "License Must Not Be Specific to a Product" OSS Guidelines

The copy reads: The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being part of a particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from that distribution and used ...
Uriahs Victor's user avatar
23 votes
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SSPL and the Open Source Definition

MongoDB has decided to change the licensing of MongoDB Community Server, seemingly to prevent businesses from monetizing on their product without giving anything back:
Mans Gunnarsson's user avatar
-2 votes
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Practical steps to licence Free software and Open Source Projects [closed]

Several discussions have supported the subject of a software license and the majority are limited to offer explanations or definitions (GNU GPL, EULA, BSD License ... etc) without addressing the ...
devjelop anje's user avatar
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Is there a license that restricts interpretation of the source except to documentation?

I was reading an issue on python-patterns' GitHub repo. Where it was asked Really? I mean, these are simple snippets showing design patterns for learning purposes, none of this code is usable as it ...
jalanb's user avatar
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OSI approved License similar to CC BY-SA 4.0

What's the most recommended OSI approved license (here's the list) closest to our current license is Creative Commonns Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International? Also, why aren't the Creative Commons ...
gabbar0x's user avatar
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What significance & advantages does the OSI say about open source?

At the Philosophy of the GNU Project, there is one page Why we must insist on free software which states the importance/significance and advantages of free software. So, I want to know what OSI ...
Pandya's user avatar
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What does the Open Source Initiative say about proprietary software?

I found that FSF considers proprietary software to be unethical (bold emphasis mine): Proprietary Software Is Often Malware Proprietary software, also called nonfree software, means software ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Are there any licenses considered free by the OSI and not by the FSF and Vice Versa? [duplicate]

Are there any licenses considered free by the OSI and not by the FSF and Vice Versa? They both seem to further the same point, and all the licenses I saw they both agreed that it was either free or ...
user3179's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the OSI's Open Standard?

I believe that the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has something called the Open Standard. What is the Open Standard, and what is its purpose?
Zizouz212's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does a license needs to be approved by the OSI to be an open source license?

The Open Source Initiative has created the Open Source Definition to define what open source is. Also it has set up a formal process to approve licenses to be open source. Now, does a license need ...
Mnementh's user avatar
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Can I use the OSI logo to help me advertise my project?

Suppose I want to release a software program to the App Store, under an open source license. As I want to increase the number of downloads, I want to advertise that the software is an Open Source ...
Zizouz212's user avatar
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18 votes
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Is there a term that means "Free Software and/*or* Open Source (Software)"?

The term Free Software is typically associated with software licensed under an FSF-approved license (The Free Software Definition), and the term Open Source (Software) is typically associated with ...
unor's user avatar
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Is OSI approval important for a license?

I've heard an open source license described as "popular and OSI-approved". To that, someone asks: Is OSI approval important? which is a great — and important — question in its own right. So, is ...
mattdm's user avatar
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