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Questions about the SIL Open Font License

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3 votes
1 answer

OFL license and errors

If someone accidentally (or otherwise) violates the OFL license, it's clear that their licence is terminated. But if they fix the violation, can they get a renewed licence, or have they lost it for ...
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Relicensing CC BY 4.0 font after modification under OFL

Is it possible to modify a font that was released under CC BY 4.0 and relicense it under SIL OFL License (or a dual-license of CC BY 4.0 and SIL OFL like Linux Libertine fonts did with GPL and SIL OFL)...
NKSL2001's user avatar
4 votes
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Question on compatibility of SIL Open Font License with IPA Font License

I am making an open-sourced font that is based on IPA Font License Agreement, and I would like to include some glyphs from a SIL Open Font License font. Are these 2 licenses compatible and how should ...
NKSL2001's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does converting a google font to another format breach the license?

I am using a google font which comes with Open Font License, in my web app. When I download the font it has truetype (.ttf) format. For a reason I need that font in woff/woff2 format, because that ...
Sujit Y. Kulkarni's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What's the meaning of "porting" in SIL Open Font License v1.1?

It'stated in the license that: "Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may include source files, build ...
Ananda's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the reasoning behind the FSF's interpretation of the SIL OFL?

On the FSF's page on "Various Licenses and Comments about Them", they state that "you must redistribute [software licensed under the OFL] bundled with some software, rather than alone", but that "a ...
lights0123's user avatar
3 votes
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Where include SIL open font license in a website if i use @font-face?

If i use a font under the Sil open font license 1.10 including it in my website with (@font-face), where have I to include the license?
Orso Nero's user avatar
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0 votes
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How to satisfy the OFL and OFL RFN clause?

A font designer that is hosting font on Google fonts has released a latest font version which does not fit with my design. I rather use the previous version of the font and self host it. So I have ...
Benn's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Font licensed as GPL *and* OFL ... Can I use under OFL? [duplicate]

I would like the build upon the Libertine Open Fonts Project under SIL OFL 1.1, a permission that seems to be intended by the authors. However, several issues / irregularities crop up in the wording ...
Clint Goss's user avatar
3 votes
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Meaning of "and" and "additionally" connectors with two Open Source licenses

[This question is an expansion of the question "Meaning of OFL and GPL" because of limits on the number of characters in comment-responses]. I am unsure of the meaning of the terms "and" and "...
Clint Goss's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can I use the MIT license if I use Font Awesome (SIL OFL)?

I have a project in which I included libraries of: Bootstrap v3.3.7 ( Licensed MIT jQuery v1.11.2 ( Licensed MIT jQuery UI v1.11.2 ( ...
gal007's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

using Open Font License (OFL) in commercial project

I was searching for better fonts and icons and ended up on Google Fonts. I was able to download the fonts for free which were under OFL. According to the included license file, The fonts and ...
Prajwal's user avatar
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Any steps required to satify OFL/UFL license terms for a font embedded in an (possibly DRM-protected) e-book (e.g., epub file)?

I'm seeing a range of possibilities here. E.g.,[0] Nothing special needs to be done, based on [1] (and UFL being close to OFL), [2], and an opinion stated under Use an Open Font[3]. Perhaps such font ...
user0101's user avatar