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Questions tagged [multi-licensing]

Works can be released under two (or more) licenses, which may or may not be compatible, giving recipients the choice of which terms they will abide by

5 questions from the last 365 days
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I use a header (include) file licensed as GPLv2 only in GPLv3 project?

To be brief, I am working on a big C project, which I want to license under GPLv3. I need some compiler-specific attribute macros, and I found include/linux/compiler_attributes.h from Linux kernel ...
NotYourFox's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

AGPL/Commercial software

I'm a developer and I need to download and use a nuget package for an internal app in our company. The license for this nuget package says: "dual licensed as AGPL/Commercial software". So ...
Post Impatica's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is the point of dual licensing a library under BSD-3-Clause and GPL?

While reviewing our libraries I stumbled over the zstd implementation ( It (and some of its derivatives) is dual licenses under a BSD-3-Clause and ...
Martin Ba's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Different OSS license for LaTeX project source and code listings

I am currently writing a technical document with various code listings and diagrams. I would like to release the actual text under the GNU-FDL license, while keeping the code listings under GNU-GPL V3....
Pieter-Jan Cassiman's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to license a literate program?

A literate program is a set of of source files each containing a mix of documentation (e.g. as Latex 'code') and code (e.g. as C++ code -- From ...
Eric Bruneton's user avatar