Questions tagged [mpl]

For questions about the Mozilla Public License (MPL), a license created and maintained by the Mozilla Foundation.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Creating new functionallity for an existing project under MPL 1.1

I am currently developing a new functionality for an existing open-source project on GitHub (FusionPBX), and I have a question regarding licensing. The original project contains files with the ...
Seymor's user avatar
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Licensing auto-generated code under MPL 2.0?

I am writing a specialized binary file parser using Kaitai Struct. In brief, the file formats are described in YAML documents according to a custom spec called KSY, which are then passed to a code ...
AntyMew's user avatar
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Internal Python application and Python packages with multiple licenses

I am developing a tool for internal use in my company using Python and several Python packages. This tool uses different kinds of Python packages, all of which have one of GNU Public License, Lesser ...
Wapers's user avatar
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Which license to use LGPL-3.0, MPL-2.0 or AGPL-3.0 for a library that manages files locally?

I'm open-sourcing a library that tries to make managing local files easier by enabling full text search, encryption, corruption handling & remote transfer/distribution of files. What license to ...
user438454534's user avatar
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Keeping contributions and allowing free use of libraries. i.e. Complex licencing issue

I have an idea for a modern compiler project which will involve, at least at the start: A driver program. A set of libraries that implement the compiler, much like LLVM/Clang. A runtime library that ...
Luke A. Guest's user avatar
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What is the standard format for the MPL-2.0 license modification notice?

I would like to use a modified version of open-source code licensed under MPL 2.0 in my own open-source code, also licensed under MPL 2.0. But I'm unsure about the specific standard format for ...
Shersh's user avatar
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