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Questions tagged [license-compatibility]

License compatibility is the comparison of two or more licenses to determine if certain usages and actions can be made. Use this tag if the question would like to determine the compatibility of licenses, or their individual clauses.

20 questions from the last 365 days
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6 votes
3 answers

Is the byline part of the license?

I was recently attempting to contribute to a GPLv2+ project, where I created a new file. I set the copyright date to this year, and tried several options for the name, from my name, to "$PROJECT ...
byteit101's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I use an Artistic License 2.0 library in a MIT License library

I have a library licensed under the MIT License. Recently, one of the dependencies of my library, that I use unchanged, switched from the MIT License to The Artistic License 2.0. Am I still able to ...
Richie Bendall's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can I modify Apache 2.0 project and license the modifications under AGPLv3?

I have forked a Apache 2.0 repository on github that has not been active for years. I have made modifications to the files. I want to release the modifications under a different license (Apache ...
Zurf's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

How to distribute LGPL2.1 dependency shared lib with a python package?

I am working on python bindings for a C library, which uses LGPL2.1. My Python bindings for the library link dynamically against it. For the python bindings to work when installed I need to ship them ...
Slav's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Validity of exceptions in GPLv2 software combinations

Let's say library P is licensed under GPLv2 with the GCC Runtime Library Exception 2.0 or another similar exception like the Classpath Exception. Proprietary software K uses library P. This is allowed ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can I upgrade all CC 3.0 licenses to 4.0 counterparts when creating a joint dataset?

I am planning on creating a dataset which contains data with different licenses. I decided to create differently-licensed versions of my dataset that contain different combinations of data from ...
TiMauzi's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Has Apache or the FSF commented on whether LLVM's "Apache 2.0 License with LLVM exceptions" is compatible with GPL v2?

According to both the Apache Software Foundation (Apache) and Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Apache License 2.0 is not compatible with GNU General Public License 2.0. Despite [Apache's] best ...
Captain Man's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Releasing a dataset of image annotations that have varying per-image licensing

Recently I've been working with some colleagues on a dataset. We've obtained annotations for several thousand images which we assumed to be licensed as CC-BY. We intended to release our dataset to the ...
Josh's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to properly go about bundling an LGPLv2.1+ header in a GPLv3 project

I am developing a personal project (licensed under GPL-3.0-only) which I am trying to keep portable across different POSIX-compatible systems, but it is dependent on macros and typedefs from GLIBC's ...
Eli Minkoff's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to use GPL code in plugins of a proprietary app?

I know this question seems to be the nth of this sort, but I could not find a clear answer to my question. I am working on a keyboard launcher app. Its license is a custom proprietary license. The ...
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When Bootstrap relicensed from Apache 2.0 to MIT back in 2014, could they have chosen MPL-2.0 to solve the issue they ran into?

It seems like the issue they ran into that triggered this is that Apache 2.0 was considered incompatible with GPLv2 which was hindering adoption, based on this github issue:
Miles Georgi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Including commercial code in an open source EPL-1.0 project?

I work on an open source project that is licensed using the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0) and available on GitHub. My project is a dashboard for other developers, not a library. I found some ...
GentlemanHal's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

AGPLv3 license notice adding to each file

So I have added code licensed under AGPLv3 license to my own project. Licensed my own project under AGPLv3 and noticed that there are no code file with license notice included only AGPLv3 license file....
Dio Kiriie's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Licensing my project derived from MIT and AGPL-3 licensed projects

So I wish to take some lead in development of my app based on projects that were not active for 4 and 2 years. One of them is MIT licensed and other has AGPL-3 license. If I were to add my own code ...
Dio Kiriie's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to open-source code for an ebook-style iOS Qt app but retain control of the content? [duplicate]

Years ago (whenever Qt 5.7 was current), as a contractor I developed a closed source tablet app for a company with (at the time) a commercial license for Qt (they assigned me a license seat). The app ...
timday's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is the EUPL circumventable?

The EUPL in its §1 states that "to distribute" includes making available, online or offline, copies of the Work or providing access to its essential functionalities at the disposal of any ...
Longinus's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Correct license for dataset if source data has different licenses

I want to create a new dataset which I want to publish on e.g. Hugging Face. I plan to have multiple versions with different licenses, depending on which data I used. I now wondered whether I can ...
TiMauzi's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What happens If a LGPL-licensed shared libraries are dynamically linked to GPL-licensed files of same package?

I'm integrating a component in my commercial software called ABC, in which some part of code is licensed under LGPL and some part it is licensed under GPL. And there are some shared libraries created ...
Sami ulla's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can DCO be used in BSL?

A Developer Certificate of Origin is a well adopted contribution model in open source projects that protects both the contributors rights of their changes and the project. Could it also be used in ...
Yunier Rojas's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

PySimpleGUI, until now, has been distributed under the GPLV3, but just became a subscription model. How does that work?

PySimpleGUI, a GUI framework for Python, has previously been published under the LGPLv3. They just announced that they are changing to a subscription model with PysimpleGUI 5, and that previous ...
Jazz Weisman's user avatar