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Questions tagged [lgpl]

For questions about the GNU Lesser General Public License, how to apply it, or how to re-use works under this license

23 questions from the last 365 days
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3 votes
1 answer

LGPL license clarification

I would like to request some clarifications about the LGPL license. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how it works in the context of selling (for a fee) software that must comply with the ...
Federico Massimi's user avatar
3 votes
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Error in the text of the LGPL 3.0 linking exception

I have found an error in the text of the LGPL 3.0 linking exception, as follows: As a special exception ...providing any... Minimal Application Code... There is no “Minimal Application Code” in LGPL ...
Frankus's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to distribute LGPL2.1 dependency shared lib with a python package?

I am working on python bindings for a C library, which uses LGPL2.1. My Python bindings for the library link dynamically against it. For the python bindings to work when installed I need to ship them ...
Slav's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Copy-pasting a part of LGPL-licensed file into Python library

I want to copy a part of LGPLv3-licensed file into a Python library. Said file: I want to copy SMARTS patterns (chemical ...
qalis's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

If LGPL 2.1 source code is in my project. Does the whole project need to be LGPL? Or just the class that call it?

I'm relatively new to library licenses and come from a game development background. I'm developing an open-source game development tool that directly includes the source code of an LGPL 2.1 library. ...
Phun Peeticharoenthum's user avatar
4 votes
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Bunjs and Webkit license

I am wondering if deploying micro-services based on BunJS do require to "provide your application in an object" as stated in the portion of the Webkit licence (included in BunJS it-self): ...
user avatar
4 votes
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NuGet and LGPL libraries

We're creating software written on the .NET platform. As such, we're obviously heavily reliant on the NuGet package manager. Some of these packages are LGPL (2.1, 3) licensed. As this other question ...
Martin Ba's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

License for a program containing Numpy with PyInstaller

We are developing a program that uses NumPy 2.0. We plan to package this program into an exe with PyInstaller and distribute it. I ran "pip show numpy" and found a description that included ...
Forest's user avatar
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Jaspersoft Report Library and Jaspersoft Studio community edition for commercial use

I'm integrating third-party libraries such as Jaspersoft Report Library 7.0 and Jaspersoft Studio 7.0.0 into a Java application to generate reports for a client application. The workflow involves ...
Shivaji Bhosale's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is 7-zip usable in a closed device?

I want to use 7zzs in a closed linux device to zip some files (I don't modify any source code of 7-zip, just use it). I found that 7-zip is using LGPL license, and I know that LGPL v3 prohibits users ...
Chuang Men's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

When selling a machine with proprietary software that links against an LGPLv3 library, do I need to give the customer root access?

I want to sell some hardware, on which a Linux distribution is installed, and on top of that my proprietary software. I find it difficult to figure out the terms I need to comply to in this scenario ...
flyx's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to properly go about bundling an LGPLv2.1+ header in a GPLv3 project

I am developing a personal project (licensed under GPL-3.0-only) which I am trying to keep portable across different POSIX-compatible systems, but it is dependent on macros and typedefs from GLIBC's ...
Eli Minkoff's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is creating a React UI library with a CSS re-implementation of a GNU LGPLv2.1 licensed C implementation a violation of the GPL?

I'm currently in the process of developing a new React UI library, drawing inspiration from the Adwaita design system. There is a C language implementation of a library called libadwaita. However, ...
Madhan S's user avatar
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2 votes
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Usage of figures found in a online manual under LGPL 2.1 inside a thesis

I'm writing my PhD thesis and inside that I've used some screenshot that I found inside the online documentation, only to show the purpose and some functionalities of the software. I'm talking about ...
PhDThrowaway's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

LGPL obligations for using glibc

Similar questions have been asked before, but I'm not satisfied with the answers. In LGPL v2.1, Section 5 states that a binary may be derivative to an LGPL library if it was compiled with the library'...
user44168's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Linking both statically and dynamically to an LGPL library from a proprietary program

My proprietary program dynamically links with an LGPL (2.1 or later) library. However, for technical and practical reasons, the need to distribute the library as a separate .so/.dll file is ...
qwerty's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Want to release FOSS project under under LGPL 3.0, have Eclipse 2.0 and Apache 2.0 licensed code, not sure what to do

I'm finishing up a Java JSON parser that I want to release under the LGPL 3.0 license. Thing is, I'm using JUnit 5 for unit tests (falls under the Eclipse 2.0 license), and some Apache Commons code ...
Yehuda Broderick's user avatar
2 votes
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What happens If a LGPL-licensed shared libraries are dynamically linked to GPL-licensed files of same package?

I'm integrating a component in my commercial software called ABC, in which some part of code is licensed under LGPL and some part it is licensed under GPL. And there are some shared libraries created ...
Sami ulla's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

PySimpleGUI, until now, has been distributed under the GPLV3, but just became a subscription model. How does that work?

PySimpleGUI, a GUI framework for Python, has previously been published under the LGPLv3. They just announced that they are changing to a subscription model with PysimpleGUI 5, and that previous ...
Jazz Weisman's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Compliance with LGPL for a Locked STM32 in a Commercial Product?

I'm working on a commercial project involving an STM32 microcontroller, designed to be locked down for security and business reasons. The device can only be updated through a bootloader controlled by ...
WITC's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

LGPL and AGPL combo - how?

I'm writing a library and I want to license it so that if you modify and use it, even at a network service, you will need to disclose the modified source code of the library (as in the AGPL) but it ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Removing GPL files from a dual-licensed project with LGPL

I'm using a GitHub project dual-licensed under GPL and LGPL (some files are GPL and some are LGPL). That's why it has two files with its license terms and conditions "COPYING" and "...
Garnik Khroyan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it legal to change the file names of wkhtmltopdf source

I am creating a library by building source of wkhtmltopdf which is having a LGPLv3 license. Is it legal to change the file names of wkhtmltopdf source used in my library ? My library will be ...
Babitha's user avatar
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