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Questions tagged [gpl-2]

For questions about GNU General Public License Version 2.

24 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Java 11 program, GPLv2 + Classpath Exception license do I need to check everything

So following this schema if I wish to do everything free I can use the JDK's that are on Now say that I wish to publish ready made packages for clients with jlink that I offer ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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License conflicts in Blender shaders

The Blender source code contains the node codes under the GPL license for GLSL, and the exact same code in C++ in cycles for the Apache license. Can I port the Apache code to GLSL, and still use the ...
Alan's user avatar
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Copyright notice in the binaries of a library

I'm building a library that is based on a modified version of an already existing source released under the GPLv2 license. I'm modifying each files of the original project to adapt it to my needs, ...
alessio's user avatar
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Licensing question about using OpenJDK to build and run

I have a small java application which I was building with Oracle JDK till now. Now I am migrating this application to OpenJDK11 and am bit confused with the licensing. I am using RedHat distribution ...
Rao Nagaraj's user avatar
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Under what conditions can Microsoft's Universal C Run-Time be linked GPLed programs?

In the past, and the practice still continues, programs covered by one of the GNU licenses, such as utilities from the GNU Project, have been ported to Microsoft Windows by linking to the MSVCRT.DLL ...
Kaz's user avatar
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Can I make a commercial JAVA GUI interface to a GPL2 licensed R package that I authored?

I authored an R package that will be licensed under GPL2 due to some dependencies that I use also being GPL2. I was wondering if I would be allowed to make a commercial closed source JAVA GUI ...
Tom Wenseleers's user avatar
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Can I use GPL 2+ (CKEditor v5) on a website with paid subscription?

I am creating a website on a platform - similar to WordPress - where the access to the website will be via paid subscription. I am selling to the end user a service. It is like I would replace ...
Radek's user avatar
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Using Apache 2.0 libraries to test GPL 2 library

I'm making a library which is a derivative work of openjdk that's released under GPL 2.0 with Classpath Exception, so my library is obviously GPL 2.0+CE too. I'd like to write tests for my library ...
warownia1's user avatar
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How is "GPL-2 | GPL-3" to be interpreted?

A lot of packages in R (and I'm assuming in other languages as well) are licesed as "License: GPL-2 | GPL-3". Others as "GPL (>= 2)" and others as "MIT + file LICENSE"....
guest0323's user avatar
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Proprietary app injecting CSS into a remote self-hosted GPL web-app in WebView

I'm building a proprietary application that loads into its WebView a remote, self-hosted GPLv2 licensed web application. I'm sure that loading a resource via WebView will not violate GPL (the web ...
AdamBuilder's user avatar
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Setup file installs DLLs

I have a Windows Forms Project written in C++ CLI with MySQL Database integration. I have created a Setup File using INNO Setup but I need to include MySQL.Data.dll to deploy the application, so ...
sidewala's user avatar
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What is the difference between GPL classpath exception and linking exception?

So I read that OpenJDK is under the GPLv2 with linking exception. What is a Classpath exception and a linking exception? The JDK that I'm using(Amazon Corretto which is a build of OpenJDK) is under ...
YummyChocolate123's user avatar
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Can the official MySQL connectors be used in a commercial closed-source backend?

The official Oracle MySQL connectors seem to correspond with these GitHub repositories: mysql-connector-cpp mysql-connector-nodejs mysql-connector-python ... They all contain a LICENSE.txt that ...
bluenote10's user avatar
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Does a web application avoid becoming a "derivative work" if it loads in an unmodified GPL-2 javascript library?

Say I have a web page: ... <!-- A custom javascript library --> <script src="myCustomScript.js"></script> <!-- A GPL2 javascript library --> <script src="...
Lee's user avatar
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Which files in a Yocto (Embedded Linux) project should I provide to be compliant to GPL?

We are developing a Yocto based embedded Linux project, it uses Linux kernel (of course), some MIT libraries, some GPL libraries, and our own commercial applications. Since the GPL code is used to ...
Felix Xu's user avatar
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Using MySQL JDBC connector, when to disclose source code

Part 1 I would like to use MySQL JDBC connector (called connector) licensed under GNU GPL V2 to exchange data to and from a MySQL database in my project, as far as i can read, If i add the connector ...
Cristian Matthias Ambæk's user avatar
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If you use one file which has a GPL license, should all files get such a license?

I have some code of which I don't care that much about. That what I host online, has no license and as such should be in the public domain. Some projects contain files with: GNU Lesser General Public ...
bask185's user avatar
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Does injected CSS code count as derivative work?

There is a GPL web app. I want to make style modifications to it by injecting CSS code. The injected code aims to change some styles, but not all. For example, it will completely change the style of ...
AdamBuilder's user avatar
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Can I distribute a LGPLv2.1 derivative work whose source code doesn't compile?

Section 4 of the LGPLv2.1 gives me permission to distribute a "work based on the Library" in object code form, provided that I also distribute "complete corresponding machine-readable ...
Criticizing Israel not allowed's user avatar
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Can a GPL'ed WordPress plugin/theme incorporate an AGPL library?

If I develop a WordPress theme/plugin, and release it under a GPL license, can my plugin/theme incorporate (include) a third party library that is licensed under AGPL v.3? If so, does my plugin/theme ...
Mark Thomson's user avatar
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I want to build a new ISO based on official Ubuntu 18.04 ISO, plus some propietary software. What do I have to open-source to comply with GPL2?

What if I do not own the proprietary software but I have been given permission to distribute it (will being able to open-source the build automation help? This would mean only someone with the correct ...
dnk8n's user avatar
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Can I use a GPL data collection agent in commercial software

I am trying to create a commercial monitoring software using Zabbix agent. Zabbix agent is a data collection software installed in a remote computer that collects the data and sends to a central ...
Samuel's user avatar
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What happens when someone merges Apache 2.0 and LGPL libraries into a GPL-2 derivate?

I used a PHP library, which in turn is elementary based on libraries published with an Apache 2.0 license and a LGPL license. The author himself has published his library under a GPLv2 license. ...
root66's user avatar
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Does video game code that uses a GPL engine have to be GPL?

Lets take a specific example. The ioquake3 engine is licensed under GPL v2, however the engine can't do anything by its self, it needs code that has been compiled into .qvm binaries in order to create ...
KroniK907's user avatar
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