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Questions tagged [gpl-2]

For questions about GNU General Public License Version 2.

14 questions from the last 365 days
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I use a header (include) file licensed as GPLv2 only in GPLv3 project?

To be brief, I am working on a big C project, which I want to license under GPLv3. I need some compiler-specific attribute macros, and I found include/linux/compiler_attributes.h from Linux kernel ...
NotYourFox's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is the byline part of the license?

I was recently attempting to contribute to a GPLv2+ project, where I created a new file. I set the copyright date to this year, and tried several options for the name, from my name, to "$PROJECT ...
byteit101's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Validity of exceptions in GPLv2 software combinations

Let's say library P is licensed under GPLv2 with the GCC Runtime Library Exception 2.0 or another similar exception like the Classpath Exception. Proprietary software K uses library P. This is allowed ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

If I distribute GPLv2-licensed software as a bundle that uses a virtual machine to run it, do I need to open-source the virtual machine too?

This is the Setup that will be distributed already packaged together: An MIT licensed Virtual Machine with some modified code A GPL-2.0 software binary with some modified code I understand that the ...
CoronaMutantNinjaBat's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does a QGIS python script need to be licensed under GNU GPLv2+?

Given that QGIS is licensed under GNU GPLv2+, if you create a QGIS python script that would run in the QGIS Python console, such as the example in their docs, does the python script have to be ...
NicolasUrsus's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Retroactively specifying `-only` or `-or-later` for GPLv2 in an adopted project

I am a member of an upstream maintainer team that took over a project two years ago. The project itself is round about 15 years old. We are the third generation of maintainers, and we lack contact ...
buhtz's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Has Apache or the FSF commented on whether LLVM's "Apache 2.0 License with LLVM exceptions" is compatible with GPL v2?

According to both the Apache Software Foundation (Apache) and Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Apache License 2.0 is not compatible with GNU General Public License 2.0. Despite [Apache's] best ...
Captain Man's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

License conflicts in Blender shaders

The Blender source code contains the node codes under the GPL license for GLSL, and the exact same code in C++ in cycles for the Apache license. Can I port the Apache code to GLSL, and still use the ...
Alan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What is the point of dual licensing a library under BSD-3-Clause and GPL?

While reviewing our libraries I stumbled over the zstd implementation ( It (and some of its derivatives) is dual licenses under a BSD-3-Clause and ...
Martin Ba's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to use GPL code in plugins of a proprietary app?

I know this question seems to be the nth of this sort, but I could not find a clear answer to my question. I am working on a keyboard launcher app. Its license is a custom proprietary license. The ...
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Is Mtd-utils common library considered to be LGPL?

When you need to use the common library of mtd-utils in the embedded development process, but don't want to open source your own code, what can you do? Is this common library considered to be licensed ...
jie yang's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is a Modification in GPL 2.0

Given that I want to extend the Covered Software through a bigger Project. The following is an example where File A is part of the Covered Software and any subsequent files are not part of the ...
Blacx's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Can somebody other than the copyright holder enforce the GPL "inherited" by a project? Do they have to?

Let's consider a project A, with authors and copyright holders A1, A2, A3 etc, licensed under GPL v2. Project B builds on project A (let's say they just outright import the source code of A and link ...
lxgr's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Does GPLv2 allow to charge an unlimited amount as fee for copy transfer?

GPLv2 terms state the following (see below). But does this means to be able to charge an unlimited amount for copy transfer (it may be object code) and the limitation not to exceed distribution fees ...
Silkly's user avatar
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