Questions tagged [google-play]

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2 votes
1 answer

Mechanisms to disclaim liability or have users waive their ability to sue you (for Wikipedia-like websites/mobile apps for good)?

I've been thinking about creating some free/open source websites and publishing some free/open source mobile apps to the Google Play Store. The aim of the websites/apps are to provide things/...
andyandy's user avatar
  • 131
11 votes
1 answer

MIT-licensed data as part of Android app

I have developed an Android app with Kivy, which I'd like to publish in Google Play. Now, I'd like to use certain MIT-licensed data, which will ship as part of the app. Is this legal? As far as I ...
lanskey's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Legal Aspects of Illustrations in Open Source Software (MIT License) - Adding Copyright Notice?

It's about an app that was created in a student project (in Germany) and will be soon released in the Google Play Store and also published on GitHub as OSS under the MIT license. The app features ...
RauschkugelxD's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Which license should I use

I want to share my android project on GitHub, allow everyone contribute to it but I don't want them to upload the project to play store without changing anything. Because I will be doing it. Why I ...
yunusemregul's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Use of open-source templates at GitHub, android studio templates

Is it allowed to publish a program that had been copied and UPDATED from GitHub on google play, let's say I had done this: I went to GitHub and Cloned a project into my Android Studio. I updated the ...
Ameer alnajm's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

License for Google Pdf Viewer APK

My company sells Zebra Android devices that we install our own app on (the devices are like a phone, but with scanners and more durable hardware). We can order the devices with the GMS or AOSP ...
Ian's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Can i use google text to speech app for comercial use? [closed]

i have taken AOSP code and build for my system? AOSP does not provide apk for google text to speech apk. Now i want to build application which supports tts using google text to speech engine so i ...
user2641018's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monetizing app using GPLv3 source code

I need general advice: I have an android app that currently relies heavily on GPLv3 source code. I have never published any app and I'm a bit rusty within android as my day job is programming in a ...
NMKloster's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to properly fulfill Apache 2.0 in commercial Android products at Google Play?

Given the plethora of Apache 2.0 libraries used to create many proprietary Android apps, how/where should we refer to the Apache License? Should we mention Apache license at Google Play, presenting a ...
JP Ventura's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

License that prevents re-distribution at least on Play Store and XDA

I'm working on an Android app that I plan on uploading to the Play Store as a paid listing. I also want to make it open source. I'm perfectly fine with people building it for personal use, but I want ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to distribute source of gpl3 Android app with email?

Is it ok if I put an email address in "About" of application, and every user who asks for the source code emails me and I send him/her by email? It’s an Android application and I will distribute it ...
Habib Kazemi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Android GPL app that opens a closed source app

Is legal if I edit an open source app with GPL license and make it open source again with GPL license but for doing some tasks it opens another app that is not open source? For example: GPL app ...
Habib Kazemi's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Can we share Season or movies based GIF's in Mobile Apps? [closed]

i am developing android app , which contain some content related to a hollywood SEASON Friends , it's basically a video file / GIF type thing , Does google allow this ? or is there any change my ...
Zulqurnain Jutt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Using a GPL V3 library in a Android app published on Google Play, do I need to release the application's source code?

I'm in a situation where I'm considering using a GPL V3 library in a module of an Android application. The application will be published to Google Play and will be available for free download. My ...
Mina Wissa's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can I put ads on a GPLv3 project and upload it to Google Play?

I forked a messaging app on github and added my modification on top of it and it started to build an audience in my country because of the unique ad-on feature I have added. The app acts as an SMS ...
mboy's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Where to donate my Android app's Google Play account, they just need to keep in sync with F-Droid

Let's say I own the Google Play account under which an open source app is published, and I no longer have any interest in owning personally the Google Play account for that app. Development is as ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar