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Attribution when deriving from a W3C Software Notice and Document License work

I am creating a reimplementation for a different language of a software library that is licensed under the W3C Software Notice and Document License. The original library contains a NOTICE file. As my ...
JKR's user avatar
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How do I ensure I am using MIT-licensed code correctly?

This might be silly question but I thought its best I thought I should clear this up. I found this repositoy on Github. It has a MIT license attached to it and I modified this repository according to ...
Prithviraj Kanaujia's user avatar
5 votes
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Can I use Oracle's JDBC driver in an MIT licenced project?

I have decided to make a project of mine free and open source under the MIT licence. This project uses Oracle's JDBC driver. My question is am I able to include ojdbc in my Github project and if so, ...
Adam's user avatar
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Ramifications of the proposed new SE licensing model

Like many other people I read this meta post. Since I don't really understand what is at stake I became confused and worried. Does this mean that I can legally force any organization to let me see ...
Erik's user avatar
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What license options do I have for licensing ported source code?

If, I port Ruby on Rails (licensed under MIT) from Ruby to Java what license options do I have? Would I have to use MIT or a compatible license?
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