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Questions tagged [copyright]

For questions about the copyrighting process and principles. Questions solely pertaining to general copyright are off topic.

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8 votes
5 answers

Acknowledging employer in an open source project

My employer has given me to permission to open source a component of a project that I have been working on, allowing me to retain ownership and control, with the condition that they be acknowledged in ...
8 votes
2 answers

Can I adapt a CC-BY-SA licensed webpage to host rights-reserved copyrighted content?

I think the inverse of What do I need to share if I include CC-BY-SA artwork in my software?. Some webpages, such as Code for America are licensed under CC-BY-SA. If I want to adapt the code for this ...
0 votes
2 answers

How is Google able to relicense their photos on Google Streetview, which may contain copyrighted content? [closed]

While driving in the car recently I noticed a Google Streetview car go by outside. Once I got home I went onto Google Streetview and looked around for a bit. This is when I noticed the copyright ...
4 votes
2 answers

How does the DMCA affect me as a FLOSS developer? [closed]

As a creator of a FLOSS project, what do I need to know about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act? As an example, Github is often forced to remove sites based on DMCA requests. The requests are ...
32 votes
2 answers

Copyright and Contributing to an Open Source Project

I'm a little confused by copyright notices on open source projects. Let's say that a particular project is covered by a very permissive license, such as MIT or BSD. A copyright notice appears from ...
6 votes
2 answers

Can a license on a open source product expire?

Background: While I know that copyrights on open source products expire. I have never come across anything regarding licenses, this lead me to ask this question: My Question: Can licenses expire? ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can copyright of an open sourced product be passed down through generations? [closed]

Background: From other posts I have learned that copyrights expire some amount of time after the owner's death. But from what I know ownership can be passed on after death. If the owner of a ...
16 votes
2 answers

Jurisdictions without compatible copyright law

Free software licences such as GPL depend on copyright law in order to be legally enforcable. Are there jurisdictions in which the law does not enforce such licenses, allowing the license to be ...
15 votes
2 answers

Do we need to follow the license for CA certs?

Some OSS projects include CA certificates and claims that they are subject to a particular OSS license. For example the certificates in
13 votes
2 answers

Is copyright automatic?

If I publish something on my website is a form of copyright automatically placed on that text? For example I know if you specifically say "This is published under [insert some cc license here]" then ...

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