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18 votes
1 answer

How do I release code written for a company to the public?

I'm working on a Unity project for a company and, while doing so, I wrote some code that I think would be cool to have it on the internet, free to use. But I never released something that is owned by ...
Mikele's user avatar
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How can I add a license for one file from a github repository?

I would like to use a text file from a GitHub repository that is under MIT License. My repository is private and I'm distributing my software. My question is how can I use this file and put the right ...
Italo Lemos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Choosing License of GitHub Repository

I really don't know much about the licenses. I am working on a project which I might upload on a website. So I have a few questions. Can someone ever steal my code and commercially use it if I put my ...
Devang Joshi's user avatar
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License description for repository that uses a template under MIT license

Assume that I use a template repository on GitHub (e.g.,, make a tool, and publish it on GitHub under MIT license. However, obviously I need to show the ...
kemakino's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Copyright holder in R packages

I am developing an R package and distribute it under the GPL-2 license by submitting it to CRAN. According to CRAN's Writing R extensions, i am the author and maintainer of the source code. The R ...
skoestlmeier's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Open-source license that should aware if I want monetize my project

I'm creating a website. Some of functionaly is using open-source libraries from npm, github, etc. I want to monetize my sites using ads, or even I want to create some sites template and sell to ...
Engkus Kusnadi's user avatar
5 votes
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Can someone else patent an invention that I have introduced in my open source project?

Is open source protected in any way if I haven't filed for a patent myself? Maybe a specific license? Any examples of open source projects that introduced 'inventions' that could be patented (but they ...
Kostas Gogas's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Is there a good license for a libertarian programmer who's against intellectual property?

I know, I know, you're probably thinking CC0 or WTFPL or something along those lines. But the thing is, the way I see it, people have a right to redistribute anything, even if the author doesn't want ...
Sparkette's user avatar
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Can one get all copyrights on derivative software if one add enough new code?

According to german law, can one get all copyrights on software derivative if one added enough new code? if yes, how is the "percentage of new code" measured? if yes, are there such paragraphs in ...
KGM's user avatar
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Is there an existing license that is copy-left by default, but allows use in proprietary software through case-by-case negotiation?

I'm looking for a license which is designed such that anyone can use my code so long as the license they release it under is copy-left. However, I'd also like to be able to license my code out for ...
Charlim's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Does the AGPL help to protect against closed source if the application is run on a remote server and proxied by a separate service?

Note that there is this related question of which this question is by no means a duplicate. It refers to a related but separate scenario. Long question title, I'll just go with an example. Suppose I ...
a_guest's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is it legal to monetize from someone else's software?

I was wondering if I copy someone else's software and make some design changes and try to make money from it. Is it legal? Which licenses provides a facility for that?
Chris Harris's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Software licence to limit use/modification of parts of open-source code?

Is there any software licence (GNU, MIT Apache etc.) that could be readily used or modified to allow to impose limitations of the specific use/modification of parts of a source code that otherwise is ...
ares_games's user avatar