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7 votes
1 answer

Reimplementation of UI/UX ideas of commercial software in open source (MIT)

What are the legal implications of making an open source implementation (under MIT license) of commercial (closed source) software ideas in terms of UI/UX, logic of interface and general workflow, and ...
georgtree's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I properly put third-party dependencies under MIT on my copyright notice for a published MacOS app on the App Store?

If IconCast is the name of a close-sourced app I'm publishing that makes money, and AppIconSetGen, an open source library under the MIT license made by someone else that I made some changes to (which ...
Charles Yiu's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

License GPLv3 scenario for a plugin A for Blender 3D and software B that communicates with plugin A. What is the license for software B?

I would like to create a plugin, let's call it 'A' for Blender 3D and a software let's call it 'B' that communicates with plugin A through the network. I know that Blender 3D has GPL license for the ...
panagiotis's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can GPLv3 contributions to a separate project be used without attribution?

I recently forked a relatively new GPLv3 project on GitHub, as it had seemingly been abandoned not long after its creator had published it, and I wanted to make some improvements, as it was in a ...
waterfall123's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can I develop a video game or mod related to 3rd party artwork?

I'm developing a video game with many easter eggs and references to science, technologies, philosophy, and some movies, tv series, animated series, video games, franchises of fictional universes, ...
AivanF.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Copy license terms from other product?

This might not be a very "open source" question, but I thought I might find in this forum the right people for the question. For a mortal human being creating a PDF with the license terms ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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Why can't I distribute my application und a license of my choice when I accept contributions? [duplicate]

I have an app that I want to make open source, as in the literal definition of the code being public. Github says that if you don't apply a license, it's copyrighted by default. I want that, to be the ...
user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Excluding open-source contributions from work-for-hire

I'm doing contract work. I'm being asked to sign a standard (AFAICT) agreement that assigns all intellectual property I create to the employer. The context of this work is typical Python and Go ...
jmerc's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is this MSDN code free for commercial use?

I found this article on the msdn magazine and would like to use the code included in there in a commercial program. Is this allowed?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How should copyright notices be included when distributing source of modified Apache 2.0 code commercially?

A company wants to distribute a product which includes a browser extension. A browser extension is implemented in JavaScript, so it's distributed in source code form. Parts of extension are written by ...
sharptooth's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Commercial print (shirt) of GitHub repository

GitHub offers a list of 33 licenses: Academic Free License v3.0 afl-3.0 Apache license 2.0 apache-2.0 Artistic license 2.0 artistic-2.0 Boost Software License 1.0 bs1-1.0 BSD 2-clause "Simplified" ...
Matthias Günter's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Can I commercially use a fixed source code distributed under GPL?

There is this source code on GitHub (a PHP class, around 200 lines of code) distributed under GPL license which has some bugs and is not useful to me unless those bugs are fixed. If I fix those bugs, ...
Meysam's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to release small part of my code as an opensource plugin to allow free reuse (including by myself at my work)

I am working with Unity3D on a commercial project, and have found that some vital part of working with social accounts is not implemented, namely - authorized API calls. I am almost done implementing ...
TheSmokingGnu's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using CC BY-SA images in commercial print

I have created a custom set of playing cards and I want to use Wikimedia Commons pictures released as CC BY-SA 3.0 DE as illustration on the cards. Every card uses one picture. The pictures are not ...
doskey's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Open Sourcing Commissioned Art

Some friends and I started up a very small business venue a while back, to make a card game. Properly registered as a partnership and all that. It was nothing serious though, just something we worked ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar