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Questions tagged [contributor]

For questions about contributors, and their resources and conditions. Use the collaboration tag if your question is specific to interaction between contributors.

4 questions from the last 365 days
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible for the .NET open source code to be "rugpulled", or relicensed?

Attempting to read the Contribution License Agreement (source) for the .NET Foundation code. This includes the C#/VB.NET Roslyn compiler, the .NET CLR, and other runtimes. I am a fervent user of these ...
austanss's user avatar
  • 143
11 votes
2 answers

Implicit licensing when contributing to an open source project

Imagine I fork a MIT licensed project on GitHub, make some changes and submit a Pull Request (PR). I own the copyright of my changes. The PR is accepted. A few years later, someone uses the software ...
lvella's user avatar
  • 331
2 votes
0 answers

"Given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow". Did this idea exist before Eric Raymond wrote "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"?

From What success really looks like in open source | by Nadia Asparouhova | Medium: When we talk about successful open source projects, we imagine big, thriving, participatory communities, where many ...
Ooker's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Apache 2.0 and patent grant to the code not related to the contribution

Imagine, a company, contributes to a huge Apache 2.0 project. The company owns a patent. The project is huge, and there's a small fragment of its code which infringes on the patent. The company ...
Konstantin Solomatov's user avatar