Questions tagged [commercial]

Commercial activity is anything to make money. This tag is for questions about making money with Open Source / Free Software, or other interaction between open projects and commercial activity. Warning: Open Source / Free Software can be commercial as well. Do not use this tag to mean not-open-source. Use the [proprietary] or [closed-source] tags instead.

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Bumptech glide licensing

I'm using bumptech/glide for loading images in my app. After reading the License i saw that most of the library was licensed under the Apache License except for the AnimatedGifEncoder. License for ...
Vince VD's user avatar
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Supply license information in a compound commercial product

Disclaimer: I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct stack-exchange for this matter. We're a small to medium company in the EU (about 70 employees). We develop and sell equipment and accompanying ...
flipflop's user avatar
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License GPLv3 scenario for a plugin A for Blender 3D and software B that communicates with plugin A. What is the license for software B?

I would like to create a plugin, let's call it 'A' for Blender 3D and a software let's call it 'B' that communicates with plugin A through the network. I know that Blender 3D has GPL license for the ...
panagiotis's user avatar
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Publishing GPLv3 code on Steam

I own a project called Luminol currently licensed under GPlv3 I'd like to distribute on Steam. If possible, I'd like to keep Luminol as GPLv3, mainly to ensure modifications of Luminol are public. I'...
Speak2Erase's user avatar
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Distributing a proprietary library that uses an LGPL library

I would like to create a JAVA library, that will use an LGPL library. The LGPL library is a library that provides an API to create charts, whereas my library will provide a more high level API like ...
Omar BELKHODJA's user avatar
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GeForce nvidia driver license for commerical use?

I am considering building a commercial system consisting of a GPU-enabled desktop computer with pre-installed drivers and software. Nvidia makes a distinction between their GeForce and Tesla series ...
Jus's user avatar
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Commercial usage of sentence-transformers/multi-qa-mpnet-base-cos-v1

We are trying to use a HuggingFace Embedding model - multi-qa-mpnet-base-cos-v1 for an internal Large Language Model powered application. While reading the documentation it says (not verbatim): For ...
cannot_mutably_borrow's user avatar
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How to give attribution for Open Source Licenses used in commercial SaaS web-applications?

Say I commercialize a SaaS Web Application that uses a component licensed under GNU GPL v3 (like CKEditor5) or under Apache 2.0 license (like Material Design Icons), where and how should I give ...
dstj's user avatar
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Book & Writer data for commercial use (goodreads contradictory behaviour)

I am working on small app for searching authors and their works. I had quite issues with finding reasonable and clean data. Main problem was a licence of usage and since I plan to use data for ...
Martin's user avatar
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Commercial software that includes open-source libraries under different licenses

I am planning to develop commercial software product that will include a few open-source libraries licensed under different licenses (licenses for different libraries different): MIT, Apache Software ...
nickolay's user avatar
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Confusion about Licenses

I have confusion about how the GNU open source licenses and QT commercial licenses. In the QT's pricing page it says: Can I distribute Qt binaries in conjunction with my desktop or mobile application?...
nostack's user avatar
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Can I develop a video game or mod related to 3rd party artwork?

I'm developing a video game with many easter eggs and references to science, technologies, philosophy, and some movies, tv series, animated series, video games, franchises of fictional universes, ...
AivanF.'s user avatar
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FFmpeg & AAC licenses & patents

I checked every AAC- and FFmpeg-related question on the entire StackExchange and it's not yet clear to me. In my project, I provide some audio-only content, encoded in AAC, to the end users. Some ...
Peter Samokhin's user avatar
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Dual license GPL/non-commercial + commercial SDK license

Looking to release an open-source SDK, all of which uses novel code OR dependencies that are MIT/Apache. For the business model, I would like to sell commercial-use licenses for use with the SDK, ...
Thomas Braun's user avatar
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clarify R licenses: machine learning models, developed with R in Azure, possible for commercial use?

i want to estimate machine learning models with R and i need to use it in a production environment, i'll work with Azure Datascience Virtual Machine or Azure Machine Learning. If i use , for ex., ...
martincr's user avatar
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Disclaimer of included open sourced libraries in project

This is my first post so I apologize in advanced if this question has been asked/answered before. I have a question regarding the usage of open source libraries. We own several apps that are not ...
pmgallo's user avatar
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Can I use a GPL data collection agent in commercial software

I am trying to create a commercial monitoring software using Zabbix agent. Zabbix agent is a data collection software installed in a remote computer that collects the data and sends to a central ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Developping a Qt game engine under GPL-3 license: can I force users to pay a fee if they want to commercialize their games (software output)?

I'm using Qt Open source so I have my software under GPL-3 license. I would like the engine to be free for users that are not using their output games for commercial use. For commercial use, I would ...
Nat's user avatar
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