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Internal Python application and Python packages with multiple licenses

I am developing a tool for internal use in my company using Python and several Python packages. This tool uses different kinds of Python packages, all of which have one of GNU Public License, Lesser ...
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Usage of a part of a EPL library in LGPL or Apache 2 project

As I understand it, I am allowed to link a eclipse licensed jar to an LGPL or Apache 2 licensed open source project, without to change the projects license. Correct me if I am wrong. The question is,...
wumpz's user avatar
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What happens when someone merges Apache 2.0 and LGPL libraries into a GPL-2 derivate?

I used a PHP library, which in turn is elementary based on libraries published with an Apache 2.0 license and a LGPL license. The author himself has published his library under a GPLv2 license. ...
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