One of the hallmarks of the FLOSS philosophy is its reliance upon open standards.
The OSI has the one definition of an open standard. The FSF has its own
There are many bodies which produce official standards: OSI, ITU, ETSI, IEEE, and so on.
The standards most software developers will be familiar with are those which define programming languages such as C
and C++
. But they touch many other things as well (such as ISO/IEC 14496, better known as MPEG-4).
The standards are certainly 'freely available' in that anyone can purchase a copy - though they are often quite expensive. But are they necessarily open standards?
MPEG-4 is a prime example, as it is burdened with issues surrounding patents.
Are there other examples of such burdened standards? How does a FLOSS developer deal with this in providing an implementation of them?