When redistribution of a derivative work is permitted only under the same, or a compatible license, that is called CopyLeft or, in the context of Creative Commons ShareAlike.
Under such licenses, it is only allowed to redistributed a derivative work if the license under which it is redistributed meets all criteria of the original license.
You can "tag on" Share-Alike to most of the Creative Commons licenses. In the case of CC-BY
, this would become CC-BY-SA
Note that for some Creative Commons licenses this makes no sense. ND (no derivatives) can't also be SA, because you're not allowed to distribute a modified version at all. CC-0
doesn't place any restrictions, so it doesn't make sense to restrict is with SA.
The oldest example of this kind of license is the GPL, a copyleft license. It has the restriction that derivative works must be published under the GPL, or a compatible license.