Consider we have a GPLv2
licensed project, If we try to charge a fee for any warranty
which we provide (e.g. we will ask for a huge amount that no one will ever pay), then, can someone skip our warranty and ask for the source only?
I mean there was nothing mentioned about this aspect or did we miss something!?
We have read lot of questions about General Public License v2
and know that it's like a virus and everything that does touch it get open-source:
- We just use/need a single component/library in our project which is under
GPL v2
- Our client which we developed the app for needs our project closed source
- We asked but not even linking exception was granted to us
- So we have decided and started to search for license leaks in
Any GPLv2
leaks we found is listed below:
- As long as you don't distribute the copy or a modified version, you don't have to open your project (useful for JS libraries available online).
- Making GPL source available does not mean download, in fact, we are able to:
- wait until we get a written request for the source
- and we are allowed to charge a "reasonable" handling/copying charge before sending of DVD with source
- Tivoization
- The GPL does not contain any passage stating that license fees cannot be asked for. The GPL faq list states explicitly that one can ask for license fees for software under the GPL (but they are still allowed to redistribute it for free).
- We can
charge a fee for any warranty
from our side as well.