I've created a personal project and licensed it as GPL3 (I'm a fan of the open source movement). The source code is posted publicly on GitHub. I'm planning on submitting it to the Siemens Competition, a science/engineering fair.
All was fine and dandy until I discovered the following in the Siemens rules manual:
How do I cite my source code? You need to place the code in a repository , for example GitHub , and link to your GitHub account in your references (please also list the log - on information) . Keep in mind a ny sites you post to must be anonymous . There is usually a name associated with the account, so you would need to name the account “ Competition Entrant ” to avoid being disqualified for personally identifiable information.
So, it looks like I'll have to make a copy of the repository somewhere, using an anonymous account, and share that with my paper.
If I do that, am I in compliance GPL? Isn't one of the clauses of GPL that source code must cite the original author? How does it work if I am the original author, but am posting it anonymously or under a pseudonym somewhere?
I doubt there's any risk of litigation, and I don't think there's anything immoral about this arrangement; but I'd like to stay in the clear for GPL as a matter of principle.