I had a bit of a chat at work concerning an ongoing project and I wanted to ask about it to a community who knows about GPL. I’m far from being an IT specialist (and a licensing specialist also) so checking the implication of using GPL programs seemed an important point to me.
Our company wants to modify and use a GPL 2 licenced (not LGPL) program on a standard PC that is part of the project. However, custom hardware, fully developed by the company, fetches and pushes information from the PC/program by the means of HTTP requests.
Our clients may use either the PC or the custom hardware. Note : we have no plan to sell this equipment, which remains for use in our workshop.
My main questions are:
1) Are we legally obligated to provide and maintain a public code depository for the modified version of the program? (this is not a problem and we will probably do it anyways, but I’m curious) My understanding is that yes, we are.
2) Are we legally obligated to share with publicly or on request the hardware plans and its software source code ? (obviously this is the big no-go for the company) I would say that no, we are not.
3) Are we legally obligated to licence the project as GPL ? (another no-go for the company) I would say that no, we are not.
If we were to sell the whole project to one or several clients, would question 2 & 3 be modified ?