I am a member of an upstream maintainer team that took over a project two years ago. The project itself is round about 15 years old. We are the third generation of maintainers, and we lack contact with the earlier developers.
The project is licensed under GPLv2. This is stated on Microsoft GitHub, in the license file, and in the header of each code file. However, only the standard GPLv2 text has been copied without modification. I have no further information about the licensing.
If I understand this standard text correctly, it does not clearly specify whether the project is "GPLv2-only" or "GPLv2-or-later". To my knowledge there are no exclusive license texts to this two variants. This distinction would need to be specified elsewhere.
How should one handle this if I cannot determine it with certainty, especially since I cannot contact the previous authors? Are there any precedents for this?
Can I freely interpret the license and simply state that it is "-or-later"? In this case the project would be more flexible to contributions in the future.
Are there any court rulings, guidelines, or recommendations from advocacy groups (e.g., FSF, FSFE, OSSI, etc.) on this matter?
Thank you. Christian