Can a UDK (unreal development kit, unreal engine) 3D interface be used to render the output of all the GPL text dungeon rpg games?
So, lets say i implement a 3D AAA interface using UDK5 top quality. Now, it will read the text output of GPL games where the hero is a "@" and orcs are "o". Then based on the previous turn, that 3D interface will rotate all 3D models properly (it will guess to where the models should be looking at, w/o talking to the gpl game). The sfx and music could still play from the 2D text game or not. The 3D interface would do a lot of guess work and would have a set of config files specific for each 2D text dungeon turn based game. Its main view is isometric, but being 3d you could even go 1st person.
Does UDK5 or newer allow this kind of interaction with open source restrictive licenses like GPL?