Just out of curiosity, if I make a GPLv3 software that have source code that tell the program to read a file that is a proprietary artwork, but this artwork is not included in my project, does that violate GPLv3 license?
For example, I made a game project that look like this:
folder:My Game
# Copyright (C) 2023 My Name
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import os
if os.path.isfile("proprietary_artwork_package/game_conversation.txt"):
print("Thank you for buying the artwork package! Enjoy!")
f = open("proprietary_artwork_package/game_conversation.txt")
"Please buy the artwork of my game at https://www.some-membership-platform.com/my-support-page.html, extract it at the game folder to get the full gaming experience!"
print("\n\nThe end.\n\n\nCredit:\n\tAAA\n\tBBB\n\tCCC\n")
print("GPLv3 License stuff.")
file: license.txt
<content of GPLv3 license>
Does this game project violate GPLv3 license?