This is a follow-up question to my previous one. I'm considering writing a manual translation software, where the end user will be writing the entire translation themselves, but the software could offer definitions and explanations for words (not automatic translations!). In effect, the software would be a word processor with a built in searchable dictionary.
The problem comes from the dictionary material which I planned to use, as it is licensed under CC BY-SA v4.0. In my previous question people pointed out that any reproduction of the dictionary material within the program as well as any translation produced would be reproductive of the dictionary and need to also follow CC BY-SA.
Now, forcing a specific, restrictive license like CC BY-SA on anything an end user would produce on this translation software would render it extremely unattractive if not downright unusable depending on their circumstances. I would want to make this software as free as possible, including the end user having full copyright control to anything they legally produce using the software.
- Is this reading of the BY CC-SA V4.0 license correct?
- If/if not, how could I ensure the end user has full rights to anything they produce using this software? Would I need to request the dictionary under some other, less restrictive license from its original producer?