Are there any licenses that allow me this [to forbid distributing my open source project for less money than I do]?
No, no such license exists (AFAIK).
As pointed out by Abhi Beckert, there is nothing to stop you from hiring a lawyer to write such a license for you. To be effective, the price-clause in this custom license must disallow all distribution models that undercut you on price.
This custom license could have a CopyLeft-clause to pass the price-restriction on to further downstream derivatives.
if so for what reasons would these licenses (not) be considered Open Source/Free?
Provided you mean Open Source as defined by the OSI such a license would violate this clause:
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources.
I.e. if your custom license would disallow creating an aggregate software distribution with your project and some other program (e.g. "Hello World"), unless that distribution is sold at or above a specific price point, then the license would not be an Open Source-license as defined by the OSI.
Provided you mean Free as defined by the FSF such a license would violate the freedom to distribute.
Freedom to distribute (freedoms 2 and 3) means you are free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications, either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone anywhere.
So according to the FSF, any license clause that disallows distribution of copies unless that distribution is sold at or above a specific price point will not be a Free Software-license as defined by the FSF.
TL;DR: Yes, you can create a custom license that does this, but it would not qualify as Open Source under the OSI defintion, nor as Free Software under the FSF definition.