I want to add code from an Apache 2.0 software to my own code base which is MIT. I know that generally these are compatible but my worry is how to add the Apache 2.0 code with the appropriate modifications, remarks, new files and licenses.
My plan was to simply make a new folder with the Apache code in my own code copy their license and code (and my modifications there).
Do I need to do anything else? Where does the notices.md
file go and what do I add to it?
I also need to include a copyright. Where does that go? Where do stating the changes to the software go?
This page https://tldrlegal.com/license/apache-license-2.0-(apache-2.0) recommends:
Include Copyright
Describes whether the original copyright must be retained.
Include License
Including the full text of license in modified software.
State Changes
Stating significant changes made to software.
Include Notice
If the library has a "NOTICE" file with attribution notes, you must include that NOTICE when you distribute. You may append to this NOTICE file.
References from my research:
- https://www.quora.com/Is-the-MIT-license-compatible-with-the-Apache-License-Version-2-APLv2
- https://www.quora.com/Can-I-use-Apache-licensed-source-code-and-redistribute-it-as-MIT-license
- Can I copy code licensed under Apache 2 to a project licensed under MIT?
- What happens when a MIT licensed project uses Apache 2.0 drivers to connect to GPLv3 databases?