I am searching for a suitable license for my project (A Grav CMS PHP Website Rating Plugin). I want to ensure that:
- The code is published open source
- The code will be kept open source by other users (copyleft)
- Restrict usage to non-commercial projects (Nobody can commercially use or sell my plugin without permission)
My conclusion was, that the GPL3 covers the first and the second. However if the Software/Website is hosted as a service (which websites are in my understanding) they can modify the code, but do not need to publish it to the world. Thatswhy I'd need the Affero GPL3.
Now to the last option: I know, that it is possible to add additional restrictions to the GPL3. Is it possible to forbid commercial use, without explicit permission by the owner (me)?
I've seen for example fancybox3 which does this: https://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/#license
They have only written those commercial restrictions to their readme and website, but they did not publish any license text itself. Does this still count?
If I do not add any additional (commercial) restriction, but only use the AGPL, would that mean, that any commercial project must open source their changes to the plugin? Or would that even mean they must open source the whole website?