There's a package on Github that was released fully without any license and it stayed this way for close to a year. Then just recently after no updates since the initial commit, a License was added. It's GPL 3.0 and it has some restrictions that make me hesitate about using it for a commercial project. Let's not go off on a tangent though, this question has nothing to do with GPL. It has to do with whether I can ignore a license completely if I use code that was released without a license, by simply using the version of code before the license was added.
On the same note, this particular repository happens to have a full-featured tutorial on a blog, which links to the repo at the end. This is how I found out about the Github repo, by first reading the blog tutorial. In truth I don't even need the repository at all since the full code is given away in the form of a tutorial on the blog.
I didn't check if there's a license associated with the blog, is it even possible to license code given away in the form of a tutorial on a blog though? Could I simply use that and never actually checkout the github repository and then I'd have nothing to worry about?