I would like to develop a ffmpeg filter to have an easier and better integration of the ffmpeg functionalities in case of complex command lines.
Imagine an ffmpeg command line in which you can configure a filter that will use to configure a 3rd party executable to fork and use named pipe to pass video through that external tools.
Technically I can write it, but the question is, is it legal from FFMPEG license point of view (FFMPEG can be GPL or LGPL depending of how it has been built). As far as I understand, if I have an executable called "my_video_transformation.exe" (no relationship with ffmpeg, it just read input pipe and write to output pipe)
It's ok for a user to run the following:
(FFMPEG GPL or LGPL).exe decoding_args | my_video_transformation.exe | (FFMPEG GPL or LGPL).exe encoding_args
But it's not ok if a user can run something similar to :
(FFMPEG GPL or LGPL).exe filter="my_video_transformation.exe" transcoding_args
from my understanding of https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLPlugins
As soon as you write in a GPL or LGPL executable something that can fork and communicate with 3rd party and by the way maybe a commercial executable, it doesn't respect the license ?
Maybe not the correct place to ask, but would like to have some feedback before starting that project. FFMPEG dev community will reject my code proposal if it's not legal or even border line.