Suppose I have some open source project which makes use of both GPL and MIT licensed components. The source code of my project is also MIT licensed (not copyleft).
What is the right way to indicate this and comply with all licenses in the final (binary) distribution of the software?
Many projects just include a single LICENSE.txt or COPYING.txt file, but due to the multiple licenses I'm not sure how to apply that here without creating confusion. The requirements are the following:
Due to the GPL component the binary distribution must be distributed under the GPL. This has to be made clear.
But I don't want to create the misconception that the project's source code is GPL licensed, as it is not (and has substantial reusable parts that do not depend on GPL'd libraries).
The license of all utilized libraries needs to be indicated, with attribution (i.e. from the MIT license: "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.")
What is the usual way to achieve this? What text should go where in the final package, to make sure I comply with all requirements and do not create confusion? This is not a GUI program.
work level
. If you create acollective work
that includes a GPLd work, the GPL only applies to the work that actually is under GPL. For the whole project, the accumulated restrictions of all used licenses apply.derivative work
or acollective work
. See my answer. For a better advise, I would need to know more of the project and license structure and where different single identifiableworks
and awork
is not always the same. Licensing is a hard to catch thing and you need to be very careful in your wording unless you like to be mistaken just because you did not use the right terms to describe something.