I am plan to use big non-modified parts of text from Wikipedia under CC BY-SA 3.0 in new text material also licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0: just copy paste it into new material. Than i want create a list on links of the sources with additional notice about license for every source in special part of site about legals: "...This project with great thanks for all authors uses following content listed below. Text materials from Wikipedia licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0..." (and next full list of links to wiki). Is it right and does it enough?
I think that I am not modify text just copy parts of that, so I don't need to other additional notifications. Is it right?
And finally. Which type of penalty I can get if I violate CC BY-SA 3.0, for example, create wrong notifications?
Thank you, peoples! I modify landing page. In header at begin of page "All the legal information and links to the data sources you can get by clicking to “i” icon on the top-right corner". Than in the "legal window" listed all links to articles with version of page when info was copied (DD-MM-YY) and link to authors (history of edits) like this (en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wiki&action=history). I made it list of sources like showed in exampled in Wiki: authors, license, time, link to dynamic page. How do you think is enough and no need additional actions?