Can I use the Eclipse Paho library (licensed under EPL) for a proprietary project and NOT disclose the whole source code of that project? I'm not going to make any changes to Paho code, I just want to use it as a library in an Android app. Are there precedents? I could not find the exact answer on the Internet.


1 Answer 1


I wrote a letter to the Eclipse Foundation. The consultant pointed me to point 5 in their FAQ. My case falls under the term "linking". He warned that he isn't a lawyer, but offered the following short answer:

The Eclipse Foundation does not consider linking with EPL content to be a derivative work and so you are not required to disclose your source code.

  • IANAL - You are not required to disclose your proprietary source code. Though you must fulfil the EPL license obligations.
    – ossx
    Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 12:45

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