I created a project to validate objects.
It's influenced by a fairly known project called FluentValidation by Jeremy Skinner which has an Apache License.
Both projects do the same, provide an API for validating objects (C#).
Both projects present the API in almost the same manner.
It's under the hood that things change a lot, in terms of workflow and going about validating the objects. I did use some of the techniques in Jeremy's code.
Here's his project on GitHub : https://github.com/JeremySkinner/FluentValidation
And here's mine : https://github.com/JMPSequeira/JPSoft.CoreValidation
I thought about leaving an issue on his GitHub but that would, IMHO, seem a bit freeloading the success of his project to advertise mine and I can't find any other way of contacting him.
Thanks in advance.